Saturday 11 August 2018


In 2 Kings 7:1-9, something remarkable happened.

The Man of God had spoken. A prolonged famine was going to come to an end in 24 hours. Elisha prophesied more or less under duress, his life depends on it. Samaritan women were already boiling and eating their children for hunger. And the King had called for Elisha's head - as though he caused the famine.

Even though Elisha didn't decree the famine - as his master Elisha did in 1 Kings 17:1 - the seige against Samaria was a reprisal attack from Benhadad, king of Syria after Elisha ridiculed his army with blindness like dummies out of Samaria (2 Kings 6:14-23). So apparently, the Israeli King thought - "*Elisha caused this, he must pay*".

And Yes, Elisha Paid. He decreed that abundance will come out of famine, hunger, fear, desperation and death. SOMETHING MUST COME OUT OF NOTHING....

To me, that's not simply faith. It's an '*I surrender all*' trust in God's creative power. "Lord if it doesn't happen, My head is gone".

When we still have alternatives to trusting God 100%, our faith's capacity to produce is reduced and  will only be ordinary, not extraordinary or out of this world.

Now, there began the "*Something Out of Nothing*" ripple effect. Since Elisha spoke abundance out of famine, God created a noise out of silence, the Syrian army fled their camp on foot, but that's not all. He then raised a new army out of lepers - "*_Great Things out of No Things_*"

The Lepers had this same "*I surrender all*" trust in God's creative power. "*Whatever happens, let's just keep moving into where abundance could be*". Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego, had the same "*I surrender all*" trust - Dying or living, it doesn't matter, we bow to God alone".


David Adeniji


In 2 Kings 4 from verse 8
Something remarkable happened. This prominent Shunamite woman, noticed the man of God passes often by her place, so one day, she constrained him to come in and eat. Subsequently, Elisha got a meal from her always on his Journey.

This woman will not stop there, she prepared him a room with a bed, a chair and a candlestick. These should serve him more comfort and aid his night study.
But she never made any request. What could she be sowing these seeds for?
"Or does she want a connection with the King or the Army Chief", Elisha probed. Gehazi quickly revealed, "No! Actually, she has no son, and her husband is an old man.
"By this time Next year, you will have a son". And so it happened.

I quickly remembered that the same scenario played out in Gen 18
Abraham constrained angels into his home. He washed their feet, made them rest and offered them a sumptuous delicacy. They didn't ask for it, Just as Elisha didn't. He practically urged them in. The result - Isaac.

The shunamite woman doubted Elisha - "Don't lie to me" - she said. Sarah also doubted the angels - "how can this aged frail frame of mine bear fruit?
But none of these doubts could stop the miracle. Their initial audacious faith and desperate seeds of hospitality took precedence over their unbelief.
We all have doubts and fears hidden silently beneath the fabric of our beings, but we can subsume those with terrific steps of faith and daunting expressions of love which stand as irrepressible seeds that must speak.
Good Morning!

Happy Birthday to Pastor Jenifa - An Apostle of Hospitality
David Adeniji


In Matthew 25, Our Lord Jesus told a parable of 10 virgins who went to meet the bridegroom. 5 foolish, 5 wise. They all took lamps, but the 5 had oil in their oil vessel - that made them wise. The other 5 took no oil, that made them foolish.

The parable made no mention of them lighting their lamps at any time before the arrival of the groom. So when the 5 foolish virgins begged for oil in verse 8 saying their lamps are going out, it mustn't be that they once had oil. It must rather be a residual on the burning wick. They never had any oil. They took no oil with them. Verse 3 was clear on that.

So what burnt out soon as they lit their lamps was the torch itself. By the way, the Greek word for that lamp in this parable is LAMPAS, a word better translated torch. That word is found in only 4 other portions in the whole Bible (lamp, Rev 8:10; lamps, Rev 4:5; lights, Act 20:8; torches, 1Joh 18:3)

It's not the usual Lantern with a reserviour of oil. The wise virgins who had oil carried oil in a separate vessel. Not extra oil. As the story didn't say that. The oil in the separate vessel from the lamp is the only oil they had with them. That oil is to be applied when the lamp is to be lit.

So the lamp would be properly interpreted as the Christian faith (based on the word of God) which many profess. The wise ones (with oil) are the saved while the foolish ones (without oil) are the unsaved who enjoy the false feeling of salvation as they roam together with the saved. Such are the ones the Lord said will be separated as tares from wheat Matt 13:30. So the oil is salvation. You either have it, or you don't.

Please check well. Are you saved? Are you still saved? If you're not, salvation is just a prayer away. Ask Jesus to come into tour heart and he will.


(David Adeniji)

In Mark 10:47 - 52, We see something remarkable. Bartimaeus was blind, he could not see Jesus going, but he HEARD Him!

Some things may not be working in our lives, but other things are. Why should we shut down our lives and refuse to achieve anything just because some vital things are not working. Bartimaeus couldn't see, but he could hear. He made the best use of his hearing and so secured his sight with determination from Jesus.

When Jesus passed by, he wasn't just moving into Jericho, He was moving out of Jericho. It's not impossible that he was there and heard when Jesus moved into Jericho, but thought Oh! I can't see, how will I see Him. But when he heard He was moving out, he determined to get his attention.

Yes, Bartimaeus couldn't see, He was not partially blind, he was completely blind. And Jesus was not standing or sitting somewhere where people met him for counselling or something. No! Jesus was in transit. He was moving. Moving out of Bartimaeus reach. Bartimaeus couldn't see, but he could talk, he could shout, he could cry out. Again, we need to get this clear. That some situations paralyse an aspect or facets of our lives does not mean our entire lives should remain at the mercy of such situations.

Only Bartimaeus' eyes were missing, his voice was intact, what a tool! I can't see, but I can talk and I can shout, I can cry Abba Father, I can pray, I can preach the gospel. Bartimaeus would not allow himself be defined or held down by what he doesn't have. Rather he answered to the ability in what he had. Believe me, sight is a big deal, but it's not bigger than life.

Just because a person is blind does not make him less of a human being. Just because something very important is absent in your life does not reduce your worth to yourself, to people and ultimately to God. Don't even care when people pity you. Matter of fact, avoid those who pity you. Move away from then. Associate rather with those who deal with your ignoring your weaknesses, as though you never had them, as though you have all they have. Those are the people you need to eventually overcome that weakness. They make you see the complete you and not the incomplete one.

So was the case of Bartimaeus. When they told him to keep quiet, he cried even more. Inside him, he was saying,      _'what do you mean? why should I keep quiet? Just because I'm blind? I don't need you in my life, because you make me feel I'm not worthy to be healed, just because I'm sick. No! I'm not obeying you, in fact I'm relocating away from where you are. I'm looking on to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith. I can't see him now, maybe physically, but I can hear him. He's the one passing by. And already, I'm seeing him in my mind. I know he can heal me. This blindness does not define me...I'M CRYING OUT EVEN MORE.'_ Believe me, that should be your own cry too. EVEN MORE

So then, that you can't secure a job yet, should not make you lazy or idle. Just do something, payment or no payment, be active with something. Jesus had a different view about unemployment. To the world, graduates are plenty, but there are few jobs. To Jesus, the harvest is plenty, but labourers are few. Who's report do you believe? Please don't shut down your faith, simply because of one challenge or the other. All things are possible to them that believe.

That you don't yet have your own children does not make you barren, that's your own definition, take care of children. Yours or others'. Care and be happy! Period!, Yours will soon join them.

You may be sick, but you aren't dead. Choose to live, Only living  souls receive healing. Dead People don't. Your healing is in your living. Receive it now in Jesus Name.

That you've failed at something is still not the definition of failure. Observe the things you're doing successfully and do more of them. However trivial you find them to be. Everybody succeeds at something, even if it is talking, or greeting, or washing..or something! Nobody gets to a destination without starting, or without the journey itself.

Some things may not be working perfectly in our lives, but other things are. Don't shut down your life and refuse to achieve anything just because some vital things are not working now. Bartimaeus couldn't see, but he could hear, he could talk and he could walk.

Oh! yes he could walk too. Did I forget to tell you that? His cry reached the Master's ears. And the Master stood still. That's what happens when you just focus and make the best use of what is working in your life. Heaven stands still on your behalf. The master called him to come and he didn't say, 'Oh master, don't you see I'm blind, how can I make it to you? How will I see the way, I may fall tour know? Check well, Jesus didn't command that he be carried to him, or brought to him. Jesus commanded that he be called! Wao!. He had earlier made use of his ears - hearing Jesus pass, he used his voice -  crying out hard, now he's using his legs. Bible says clearly that he threw off his garment, ROSE AND CAME TO JESUS. I'm sure he did that in excitement and hurry, not as careful as he would do when coming to work or going back home.

So finally when Jesus asked him what he wanted, the miracle had already happened as Jesus didn't command any miracle or make any decree of healing or touch him at all. He simply said, Go your way, your faith has made you whole. Simply ignoring his deficiency, focusing on Jesus and   strongly on the things he could do had forced out the illness and made his desire a reality.

He made the best use of his hearing. HE HEARD JESUS. Do you hear Jesus in this message? Please surrender to him. Bartimaeus made the best use of his voice, he cried to Jesus. Please cry to Him too. He will save you. And Finally he made the best use of his legs. He walked to Jesus. Come to Him too. .Today. Shalom.

- By David Adeniji

Thursday 2 March 2017


WORD BITE Fri 03 March, 2017

Your level of maturity determines the level of relationship you have with God, and in turn the level of your relationship determines the communication channels that are open to you from heaven (Number 12:6-8). It also determines your understanding of and response to God's word.

Pastor E.A. Adeboye, Open Heavens, Fri 03 March, 2017 - Benefits Of Different Responses to God

Thursday 27 August 2015


Before complaining that you are a slave to another, be sure that you are not a slave to self. Look within; look searchingly, and have no mercy upon yourself. You will find there, perchance, slavish thoughts, slavish desires, and in your daily life and conducts, slavish habits. Conquer these; cease to be a slave to self and no man will have the power to enslave you. As you overcome self, you will overcome all adverse conditions, and every difficulty will fall before you


Education looses meaning to me if it's only objective is to make wealth after all.

I want to be educated, yes, I want wealth, but much more, that vacuum of fulfilment in me would only be filled when the zeal inside gets expression, when d virtues stored up flows out and impact my world, when I look back and count one, two, three lives already blessed by my own life

So I take a frequent inventory of my journey through life. Everything I've asked from God so far, He has give me. This, I tell u, scares me too. Since He'll keep giving me all I dare to ask, i so realize that success in life is not about material accumulation - it's about impact, its about fulfilment. So try and do your bit. Think about it, don't just chase wealth. Strive to give ur dreams an expression that would bless your world. And you know what -

Seasons Come and Go and may never come back again
The things we do today'll tell how 2morow will be
The world may pass away, but God's word will remain
So, what are u going to be remembered for, what would be your worth?
Simple: the things we gained from you.

David Adeniji


If people drop the water bucket half way up the well simply bcs its too heavy to pull out, then wells may not be too popular as water sources

If pregnant women file for abortion midway into their pregnancy simply bcs d baby became too heavy or stresful to bear, them many of us wouldn't be alive today

If all the men wooing their ladies over for marriage had taken that initial 'no' for an answer, then d world shud only have bachelors and spinters, not husbands and wives.

The thing is nothing good comes easy, no pain no gain. So don't even think of thinking to quit. Dream the dream, talk the talk, behave what you believe, don't just sit down! Keep moving, however slow. Even when manna falls from heaven, u still have to WALK out an GATHER it, whatever u do, PERSIST and PERSEVERE

David Adeniji


Food for thought: I really don't think there are LAZY people on earth, if there are, then, maybe few. The problem is, people don't do what they love doing. Give dat 'LAZY' man a task he loves and u'd be amazed at d energy of execution. When u really 'LOVE' ur job, then u don't do it for money, it becomes fun, however stressful it is to others.  - David ADENIJI


David's and Goliats are usually pairs of friends, they work hand in hand and they help eah other. Every Goliat needs a David to kill him, and every David needs a Goliat to announce him.  ---

David Adeniji

Thursday 7 August 2014



I'm resolved to make a difference
I'm desperate to be the change
I can't afford to go with this flow
I'm not created just to fill space

The world got this far because people pushed
The earth knew this much because people dug
People kept flanking the limits of human existence
Pushing and breaking and tearing, but moving
The earth has come a very long way
From what it was, to what it is now
But it didn't just change, people did the change!
People dreamt, people reasoned...And..
People invented and people changed!


Solutions exist before problems were discovered
Not the other way round, or questions before answers
But we've been taught to publicize death
Forgetting that life existed before death was possible
We've been schooled to identify disease
Much more that we'd ever recognize Wholeness
Breaking News has come to mean Bad News
And there is so much fear in our airspace
But now we're rising up, we're saviours, we're heroes
Inventing, investing, inverting and invading...for good!
We're changing the tide, turning the tables

Good News will now be Breaking News
Everyday, Every time, Not just once in a while
I choose to know the assurance of Wholeness
Not the symptoms of sickness
We choose to enjoy the peace of friendship
Not the terror of insecurity, Nor the fear of any outbreak!
We're changing the Nigerian syndrome, the global equation
We're moving a step further, this time, into LIFE
We refuse to die, Terrorism , or Bad News cannot kill us anymore
Our girls will Come back, Our boys will not disappear,
Our Fathers will make laws and keep to it.
Our Motherland is a place of  integrity, not corruption
And I'm in it, and you too.. We will make it happen

...continue the rhythm....


I'm resolved to make a difference
I'm desperate to be the change
I can't afford to go with this flow
I'm not created just to fill space

If you believe it, then sing and SHARE!

Friday 11 April 2014

Don't Substitute Intimacy for Service

Nothing you do for God can be too Much, but you must never substitute intimacy with him for service for him. If you need to actually take some break or time off your service to deepen intimacy and tighten relationship with him, then do it. Because at the end, what really matters is not how much you've DONE for him, but how much you've BEEN for him.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Live Life on Porpose

Stop living emotionally; 
Start to live on purpose;
Set out a plan;
Appraise every activity;
If its not bearing any fruit
Then get rid of it;
Check the people in your life;
You may have to cut some relationships;
It may make some people mad;
But Explain to them;
Rearrange your life;

Tuesday 26 November 2013


RCCG Holy Ghost Congress 2013
Theme: The Overflow

Date: December 9-14, 2013
Time: 7pm Daily (Nigerian Time)
Venue: Redemption Camp, Km 46, Lagos IbadanExpressway, Mowe Ogun State.
Ministering: Pastor E.A. Adeboye & Other Anointed Men Of God.