Saturday 11 August 2018


(David Adeniji)

In Mark 10:47 - 52, We see something remarkable. Bartimaeus was blind, he could not see Jesus going, but he HEARD Him!

Some things may not be working in our lives, but other things are. Why should we shut down our lives and refuse to achieve anything just because some vital things are not working. Bartimaeus couldn't see, but he could hear. He made the best use of his hearing and so secured his sight with determination from Jesus.

When Jesus passed by, he wasn't just moving into Jericho, He was moving out of Jericho. It's not impossible that he was there and heard when Jesus moved into Jericho, but thought Oh! I can't see, how will I see Him. But when he heard He was moving out, he determined to get his attention.

Yes, Bartimaeus couldn't see, He was not partially blind, he was completely blind. And Jesus was not standing or sitting somewhere where people met him for counselling or something. No! Jesus was in transit. He was moving. Moving out of Bartimaeus reach. Bartimaeus couldn't see, but he could talk, he could shout, he could cry out. Again, we need to get this clear. That some situations paralyse an aspect or facets of our lives does not mean our entire lives should remain at the mercy of such situations.

Only Bartimaeus' eyes were missing, his voice was intact, what a tool! I can't see, but I can talk and I can shout, I can cry Abba Father, I can pray, I can preach the gospel. Bartimaeus would not allow himself be defined or held down by what he doesn't have. Rather he answered to the ability in what he had. Believe me, sight is a big deal, but it's not bigger than life.

Just because a person is blind does not make him less of a human being. Just because something very important is absent in your life does not reduce your worth to yourself, to people and ultimately to God. Don't even care when people pity you. Matter of fact, avoid those who pity you. Move away from then. Associate rather with those who deal with your ignoring your weaknesses, as though you never had them, as though you have all they have. Those are the people you need to eventually overcome that weakness. They make you see the complete you and not the incomplete one.

So was the case of Bartimaeus. When they told him to keep quiet, he cried even more. Inside him, he was saying,      _'what do you mean? why should I keep quiet? Just because I'm blind? I don't need you in my life, because you make me feel I'm not worthy to be healed, just because I'm sick. No! I'm not obeying you, in fact I'm relocating away from where you are. I'm looking on to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith. I can't see him now, maybe physically, but I can hear him. He's the one passing by. And already, I'm seeing him in my mind. I know he can heal me. This blindness does not define me...I'M CRYING OUT EVEN MORE.'_ Believe me, that should be your own cry too. EVEN MORE

So then, that you can't secure a job yet, should not make you lazy or idle. Just do something, payment or no payment, be active with something. Jesus had a different view about unemployment. To the world, graduates are plenty, but there are few jobs. To Jesus, the harvest is plenty, but labourers are few. Who's report do you believe? Please don't shut down your faith, simply because of one challenge or the other. All things are possible to them that believe.

That you don't yet have your own children does not make you barren, that's your own definition, take care of children. Yours or others'. Care and be happy! Period!, Yours will soon join them.

You may be sick, but you aren't dead. Choose to live, Only living  souls receive healing. Dead People don't. Your healing is in your living. Receive it now in Jesus Name.

That you've failed at something is still not the definition of failure. Observe the things you're doing successfully and do more of them. However trivial you find them to be. Everybody succeeds at something, even if it is talking, or greeting, or washing..or something! Nobody gets to a destination without starting, or without the journey itself.

Some things may not be working perfectly in our lives, but other things are. Don't shut down your life and refuse to achieve anything just because some vital things are not working now. Bartimaeus couldn't see, but he could hear, he could talk and he could walk.

Oh! yes he could walk too. Did I forget to tell you that? His cry reached the Master's ears. And the Master stood still. That's what happens when you just focus and make the best use of what is working in your life. Heaven stands still on your behalf. The master called him to come and he didn't say, 'Oh master, don't you see I'm blind, how can I make it to you? How will I see the way, I may fall tour know? Check well, Jesus didn't command that he be carried to him, or brought to him. Jesus commanded that he be called! Wao!. He had earlier made use of his ears - hearing Jesus pass, he used his voice -  crying out hard, now he's using his legs. Bible says clearly that he threw off his garment, ROSE AND CAME TO JESUS. I'm sure he did that in excitement and hurry, not as careful as he would do when coming to work or going back home.

So finally when Jesus asked him what he wanted, the miracle had already happened as Jesus didn't command any miracle or make any decree of healing or touch him at all. He simply said, Go your way, your faith has made you whole. Simply ignoring his deficiency, focusing on Jesus and   strongly on the things he could do had forced out the illness and made his desire a reality.

He made the best use of his hearing. HE HEARD JESUS. Do you hear Jesus in this message? Please surrender to him. Bartimaeus made the best use of his voice, he cried to Jesus. Please cry to Him too. He will save you. And Finally he made the best use of his legs. He walked to Jesus. Come to Him too. .Today. Shalom.

- By David Adeniji

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