Thursday 27 August 2015


Before complaining that you are a slave to another, be sure that you are not a slave to self. Look within; look searchingly, and have no mercy upon yourself. You will find there, perchance, slavish thoughts, slavish desires, and in your daily life and conducts, slavish habits. Conquer these; cease to be a slave to self and no man will have the power to enslave you. As you overcome self, you will overcome all adverse conditions, and every difficulty will fall before you


Education looses meaning to me if it's only objective is to make wealth after all.

I want to be educated, yes, I want wealth, but much more, that vacuum of fulfilment in me would only be filled when the zeal inside gets expression, when d virtues stored up flows out and impact my world, when I look back and count one, two, three lives already blessed by my own life

So I take a frequent inventory of my journey through life. Everything I've asked from God so far, He has give me. This, I tell u, scares me too. Since He'll keep giving me all I dare to ask, i so realize that success in life is not about material accumulation - it's about impact, its about fulfilment. So try and do your bit. Think about it, don't just chase wealth. Strive to give ur dreams an expression that would bless your world. And you know what -

Seasons Come and Go and may never come back again
The things we do today'll tell how 2morow will be
The world may pass away, but God's word will remain
So, what are u going to be remembered for, what would be your worth?
Simple: the things we gained from you.

David Adeniji


If people drop the water bucket half way up the well simply bcs its too heavy to pull out, then wells may not be too popular as water sources

If pregnant women file for abortion midway into their pregnancy simply bcs d baby became too heavy or stresful to bear, them many of us wouldn't be alive today

If all the men wooing their ladies over for marriage had taken that initial 'no' for an answer, then d world shud only have bachelors and spinters, not husbands and wives.

The thing is nothing good comes easy, no pain no gain. So don't even think of thinking to quit. Dream the dream, talk the talk, behave what you believe, don't just sit down! Keep moving, however slow. Even when manna falls from heaven, u still have to WALK out an GATHER it, whatever u do, PERSIST and PERSEVERE

David Adeniji


Food for thought: I really don't think there are LAZY people on earth, if there are, then, maybe few. The problem is, people don't do what they love doing. Give dat 'LAZY' man a task he loves and u'd be amazed at d energy of execution. When u really 'LOVE' ur job, then u don't do it for money, it becomes fun, however stressful it is to others.  - David ADENIJI


David's and Goliats are usually pairs of friends, they work hand in hand and they help eah other. Every Goliat needs a David to kill him, and every David needs a Goliat to announce him.  ---

David Adeniji