Thursday 27 August 2015


If people drop the water bucket half way up the well simply bcs its too heavy to pull out, then wells may not be too popular as water sources

If pregnant women file for abortion midway into their pregnancy simply bcs d baby became too heavy or stresful to bear, them many of us wouldn't be alive today

If all the men wooing their ladies over for marriage had taken that initial 'no' for an answer, then d world shud only have bachelors and spinters, not husbands and wives.

The thing is nothing good comes easy, no pain no gain. So don't even think of thinking to quit. Dream the dream, talk the talk, behave what you believe, don't just sit down! Keep moving, however slow. Even when manna falls from heaven, u still have to WALK out an GATHER it, whatever u do, PERSIST and PERSEVERE

David Adeniji

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